Monday, November 06, 2006

When astronomy meets...demolition?

It can be a dangerous world, even if you don't go out your door. Late last month a cottage in western Germany was destroyed by a fire. What made this fire unusual is that it seems to have been caused by a meteroite. Authorities in Siegburg, Germany, baffeled as to how the fire could have started, turned to a nearby observatory for assistance. At the time of the fire, the earth was passing through a field of "meteoroid splinters." Witnesses who saw the fire also reported seeing a "blazing arc of light" in the night sky.

Most meteors don't make it thru the atmosphere, burning up long before reaching the ground. Seems this one didn't. The police think the meteor that destroyed the cottage was no bigger than 10 mm.

[Take a look at Reuters for the original story.]


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